
COVER REVEAL: A Place Between Waking and Forgetting

Today we’re revealing the cover for Eugen Bacon’s A Place Between Waking & Forgetting. We were excited to work with Bizhan Kodabandeh from Mended Arrow to create art for the cover of this collection of vibrant stories that will take you many places.



About the Artist

Bizhan Khodabandeh is a visual communicator who moves freely across the professional boundaries as designer, illustrator, artist and cartoonist. His works vary from small graphic art projects to major public campaigns. Khodabandeh is particularly fascinated by how art and design can be a catalyst for social change.

He has received numerous international and national awards for his work, including: a silver medal from the Society of Illustrators for comics, a silver medal from the International Design Awards, a finalist in the Cross-Cultural Design Competition, and best in show through the American Institute of Graphic Arts. He has received recognition for his work as both an illustrator and designer through various institutions such as: The Society of Illustrators, The American Institute of Graphic Arts, Creativity International, the International Design Awards, Adbusters, and Creative Quarterly. Khodabandeh has had work featured in publications such as Print, Creativity International, Adbusters, Comic Bastards among others.

Currently Khodabandeh is an assistant professor at VCU’s Robertson School of Media & Culture and freelances under the name, Mended Arrow.

About the Author

Eugen Bacon is an African Australian author of several novels and collections. She’s a British Fantasy Award winner, a Foreword Indies Award winner, a twice World Fantasy Award finalist, and a finalist in other awards. Eugen was announced in the honor list of the Otherwise Fellowships for ‘doing exciting work in gender and speculative fiction’. Danged Black Thing made the Otherwise Award Honor List as a ‘sharp collection of Afro-Surrealist work’, and was a 2024 Philip K Dick Award nomineeEugen’s creative work has appeared worldwide, including in Apex Magazine, Award Winning Australian WritingFantasyFantasy & Science Fiction, and Year’s Best African Speculative FictionVisit her at

Jennifer Barnes

Published by
Jennifer Barnes

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