Fridge of the Damned Poetry Magnet Kit



In the early 21st century, Michael A. Arnzen hacked his own poems into their constituent components. Inspired by the popular magnetic word kits, he encouraged visitors to to rearrange his words, creating their own strange poetry. He called it “The Fridge of the Damned.” Now this set of magnets has been mass produced and Arnzen’s virtual fridge poetry emerges from cyberspace and enters the dimension of the real. You are invited to experiment, but be warned: your refrigerator may never be the same again.

magnet poem

In 2012, Natalie Rosen created the first physical edition as part of a design project. She printed the original online word list onto commercially available magnet sheets and cut them out by hand. Only four copies exist.

Since then we’ve expanded the list to a whopping 220 words. With the help of Kickstarter we’ve been able to mass-produce the sets in a gruesome keepsake tin for fans of disturbing, imaginative poetry all over the world.

magnet poem
