Avant Garde for the New Millenium



From the Introduction:

“I began this anthology to dispel the illusion that we are in a famine age of literature and the result surprised even me in how powerfully it shattered that misconception.”



Words are slippery things and though we have bridled them with grammar, feel at ease in the presence of a common turn of phrase, they have not been completely tamed. And there are still writers who are both brave and foolhardy enough to let words out of their cages, feed them despite the signs that clearly state not to and prod them with sticks to see what they might do.

Editor Forrest Armstrong has gone in search of these experimenters, alchemists of verbiage, who wrestle with words in dark places and return with something newly minted, transmogrified and fresh for us to puzzle over.

“Avant-garde is by definition work on the front line of art, and I accepted every single piece of writing in this anthology because of how fresh it is, how differently the writer approaches his or her art.”



Gigantic • Steve Aylett
The Reformation • Kek-W
Transcript at the Close of a Life Cycle • Forrest Armstrong
Performance Equations • Thomas Wiloch
Fist World • Carlton Mellick III
Looking for a Name • Kevin L. Donihe
Ecphoriae • Forrest Aguirre
Perpetuity • D. Grîn
Moral Turpitude, Fella • John Edward Lawson
This Town • Mike Philbin
A Cock Smiled • Richard Polney
Istigkeit • Amy Christmas
From Click • Kristopher Young
Intermittent Movement • Joe L. Murr
Alchemies in Orbit • Robert Chrysler
From Degenerescence • James Chapman
Anti-Music • Prakash Kona

Book 24: Humble & So Humble • Tim Miller
Poems • Cameron Pierce
Poems • D.D. Wildblood
Living for a Nuclear Tomorrow • Forrest Armstrong
Poems • Stephen M. Wilson
Death-in-Life Love Song • Kevin L. Donihe
Items #6600-6617 & 0930 • murmurists
Poems • John Moore-Williams
The Nikkeo • Lynn Strongin
Poems • Cocaine Jesus
Poems • Jeff Mock


What They’re Saying About Avant Garde for the New Millennium

“Be careful! If books had teeth, Forrest Armstrong’s Avant-Garde for the New Millennium would chew you up and spit you out just for the sake of amusement. More a bestiary than an anthology, Avant-Garde for the New Millennium contains some of the meatiest, most carnivorous fiction being produced in the English language. These are not stories for those who prefer petite truffles with extended pinky. These stories will break your pinky off and stuff it into their mouths and then come after the rest of the arm. These writers bring meals, not finger food. Eat this book before it eats you!”—Eckhard Gerdes, editor of The Journal of Experimental Fiction
