Take a close look at this one because the creepy is in the details! We’re unveiling the cover created by Lynne Hansen for EV Knight’s classic-with-a-twist The House on the Cover of a Horror Novel. Author EV Knight explains, “I have wanted to write a novel set in Savannah since I moved here. Old money houses surrounded by ancient oaks draped in Spanish moss haunt the city. I wanted to evoke that feel in my novel. I wanted the reader to step into my town and wonder what secrets are whispered in the epiphytic breeze.”

PREORDER NOW for $4 OFF • Coming September 12th

PREORDER NOW for $4 OFF • Coming September 12th

Now that you’ve seen the full cover you know why Knight says, “Lynne’s cover art hit all those points. She nailed that feeling of hidden things lurking beneath the shallow surface of gentrified homes—of  terrors only seen when one pulls aside the curtain of moss to reveal skeletons still residing within the foundations of eras past. Needless to say, I love it.”

About the Artist

Lynne Hansen is a horror artist who specializes in book covers. Her art has appeared on the cover of the legendary Weird Tales Magazine, and she was selected by Bram Stoker’s great-grandnephew to create the cover for the 125th Anniversary Edition of Dracula. Her clients include Valancourt Books, Cemetery Dance Publications, Thunderstorm Books and Raw Dog Screaming Press. She has illustrated works by New York Times bestselling authors including Jonathan Maberry, Brian Keene, and Christopher Golden. Her art has been commissioned and collected throughout the United States and overseas. For more information, visit LynneHansenArt.com.