COVER REVEAL: Red in Tooth and Claw

Today we’re launching the preorder for Steven Archer’s magnum opus, a graphic novel featuring the World Wolf. It contains more than 200 pages of devastating illustrations in a variety of styles and tells a legendary story of love and loss.  PREORDER NOW FOR $10 offPREORDER NOW FOR $10 off There are also limited edition packages […]

BOOK DEAL: Just Add Writer

The Writing in the Dark series will continue! We’ve signed Tim Waggoner’s guidebook on writing media tie-ins titled Just Add Writer. It explains all the ins and out of writing media tie-in fiction, from landing gigs to developing a pitch, getting it approved, and writing the project with the input of both editors and representatives […]

Donna Lynch Spoken Word Tour

Ego Likeness co-founder and singer Donna Lynch reads from her collections of horror and dark poetry, including the Bram Stoker Award-nominated works Choking Back the Devil and Girls From the County as part of an art and travel documentary “The Road Out of the County.” Donna has been performing across the country as singer for […]

COVER REVEAL: Hollow Tongue

It’s hard to believe we’re revealing the 5th cover for our novella series but it’s true. Lynne Hansen has done a magical job of bringing these tales to life with intriguing art and has done the same with Hollow Tongue. Author Eden Royce says, “I love this cover. With its warm shades of brown and […]

BOOK DEAL: Everything Endless

We are excited to announce that we’ve signed a deal with Linda D. Addison and Jamal Hodge for their collaborative poetry project titled Everything Endless. It contains 55 science fiction poems, in 4 sections that explore the universe from its biggest bangs to its tiniest discoveries. We haven’t seen a collaboration with this much star […]

Cover Reveal: Beyond the Bounds of Infinity

Step over the line and cross the border into a realm of impossible horrors. Raw Dog Screaming Press, and editors Vaughn A. Jackson and Stephanie Pearre are delighted to reveal the cover for Beyond the Bounds of Infinity: An Anthology of Diverse Cosmic Horror. Created by Lynne Hansen, the cover evokes the integral strangeness of […]

Cover Reveal: His Unburned Heart

Enter the Frankenverse! From Raw Dog Screaming and The Selected Papers from the Constortium for the Study of Anomalous Phenomenon, comes Mary Shelley novella His Unburned Heart by David Sandner. The novella tells the story of what happened after Shelley’s husband, Romantic poet Percy Shelley, was cremated in a funeral pyre on an Italian beach in 1822. […]

BOOK DEAL: Fever Dreams of a Parasite

We’re extremely excited to announce that we’ve just signed Pedro Iniguez’s short storycollection Fever Dreams of a Parasite. It will be edited by Stephanie Pearre and is planned to bereleased in 2025. “I’m so excited to be working with Pedro again on his collection. His stories linger with me longafter I put them down,” Stephanie […]

BOOK DEAL: Demo Reels & Arthouse Madness

We’re excited to announce that we’ve signed Vince A. Liaguno’s poetry collection Demo Reels & Arthouse Madness which collects poetry from a self-identified unapologetic horror and pop culture junkie. It will be edited by Stephanie M. Wytovich and will be released in 2025. Liaguno says, “I couldn’t be more thrilled that this collection has landed […]

Six Reasons Why StoryBundle Rocks

Let’s Count the Many Ways StoryBundle is Awesome In publishing there are very few things that pay off consistently. You’re constantly having to change strategies. However, StoryBundle is a model that really works! We’re in the midst of participating in our second bundle and it’s got me thinking about what a great opportunity it is. […]

Cover Reveal: Steel Legacy

This final installment in the Steel Empires series finds Limani in danger from two major threats, one internal, in the form of a virus, and one external, from an enemy. Toria and her mother Victory don’t agree about which to focus on and so, unknowingly, put their friends and loved ones in extreme jeopardy. Artist […]

Cover Reveal: Asylum by Sarah Hans

For our first cover reveal of 2024 we’re unveiling the artwork created by Lynne Hansen for Asylum, the third book in our novella series, The Selected Papers for the Consortium for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena. “There is something so creepy and yet magical about abandoned spaces like the asylum in Sarah’s book,” said Hansen. “I […]

Beyond the Bounds TOC Announced

Editors Vaughn A. Jackson and Stephanie Pearre have now read all submissions to the Beyond the Bounds of Infinity anthology and made their picks! They had a fantastic crop of stories to choose from and are happy to have been able to give at least one writer their first publication credit. All acceptances and rejections […]

Cover Reveal: EYNHALLOW

Eynhallow comes alive February 22nd, 2024! In the meantime we’re revealing the cover and launching the preorder. The book has already received a starred review from Booklist and film and TV rights are being represented by Rich Green from the Gotham Group. BOOK DESCRIPTION ORKNEY ISLANDS, 1797 – Agnes Tulloch feels a little cheated. This […]

BOOK DEAL: Eynhallow

We are extremely pleased to announce that we have signed Tim McGregor’s historical horror novel EYNHALLOW for release early next year. “Of course it’s fantastic to be working with Tim on another project because our collaboration on Wasps in the Ice Cream this year went so well, but I’m especially excited about this novel,” says […]

Cover Reveal: 12 HOURS

Today we’re revealing the cover for the second book in our novella series, The Selected Papers for the Consortium for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena. Yes, it’s a mouthful! Lynne Hansen has done a wonderful job capturing the gritty background for L. Marie Woods’ strange tale. PREORDER NOW TO GET $1 OFF YOUR SIGNED COPY […]

Novella Deal: Bottling His Ghosts

Today we’re announcing the final book signed for our novella line making that seven books total in the first wave. Bottling His Ghosts by S.H. Cooper encapsulates all the creepy drama of the line. Editor R.J. Joseph explains, “I adore double entendres and stylized writing voices. When Cooper submitted these two exact things—in a gripping […]

Novella Deal: His Unburned Heart

Today we welcome Professor David Sandner as a contributing member of the consortium! We’ve signed his novella and a bonus piece of short fiction to be published together in one volume of the journal. We invite you to share virtual cake to celebrate with us in our virtual break room. ABOUT THE NOVELLA His Unburned […]

We Launched a Kickstarter!

Beyond the Bounds of Infinity is an anthology of cosmic horror that will feature authors from historically underrepresented groups. WHY KICKSTARTER?  This is the first book we’ve attempted to Kickstart and you may be wondering why we chose to go this route. To be brutally honest anthologies are a tough sell, everyone wants to be […]