This final installment in the Steel Empires series finds Limani in danger from two major threats, one internal, in the form of a virus, and one external, from an enemy. Toria and her mother Victory don’t agree about which to focus on and so, unknowingly, put their friends and loved ones in extreme jeopardy. Artist Brad Sharp has done a fantastic job bringing this conflict to life on the cover.

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Author J.L. Gribble has this to say about working with Brad, “I’ve been thrilled by how Sharp captured my world in his gorgeous, unique style. I provided a few specific details, and his talent and skill made each one feel like he lifted them directly from my brain. He brought the best facets together for this final installment, and I couldn’t be happier with his depiction of Victory and Toria closing out this action-packed series with a literal bang.”

From the Back of the Book

Limani is the only home Toria has ever known. She may have left behind the mercenary life to embark upon a career in academia, but she will never forget her training as a warrior-mage. Not when she’ll always carry the mental and emotional scars earned along with her prestige.

Victory did not begin her long life in Limani, but she has claimed the city as her home. After a century as vampire Master of the City, she will not hesitate to use either word or blade to defend it against all enemies. Using her newfound and disconcerting magic? That’s a different matter entirely.

However, the world is on the brink of massive change as the empires surrounding Limani develop increasingly dangerous technological and magical weapons. Victory may not have a choice when the answer to protecting Limani involves joining with others to harness magic never seen before.

But all power comes at a cost. When mother and daughter collide over the best way to wield it, will one they both love pay the ultimate price?

About the Cover Artist

Bradley Sharp was born in 1977 in Oxfordshire, UK. From a young age he filled many sketch books, so it only made sense to study Graphic Communication at Nene University, where he received a BA Honors degree in 1997.

But the real world called Sharp away from academics, so he traveled around the globe a couple of times, working as a graphic designer. Now he makes a living by designing magazine spreads, but freelances with vector illustrations, allowing him to create something far-removed from what he does in his nine-to-five job.

Sharp finds vector to be an easy tool and believes anyone can use it. “I’d say my artwork is nothing more than glorified doodling. I like the logical inconsistencies of surrealism and find inspiration from many places such as music or the science fiction genre. Dog Star’s novels lend themselves well to my style. I look forward to working with DSB in the future, and hope fans will like the imagery as much as they enjoy the words.” Find Sharp’s work online at

About the Author

By day, J. L. Gribble is a professional medical editor. By night, she does freelance fiction editing in all genres, along with reading, playing video games, and occasionally even writing.

Previously, Gribble studied English at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. She received her Master’s degree in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, nd Steel Victory was her thesis novel for the program.

She lives in Ellicott City, Maryland, with her husband and three vocal Siamese cats. Find her online (, on Facebook (, and on Twitter and Instagram (@hannaedits). She is currently working on more tales set in the world of Limani.