Dr. David Sandner is a member of the HWA and SFWA. Recent work includes novella books Mingus Fingers (2019) and Hellhounds (2022), from Fairwood Press, co-written with Jacob Weisman. The Afterlife of Frankenstein (2023) is due out in November in Lanternfish’s Clockwork Editions series. His short stories and poems appear in leading magazines, including Asimov’s SF, Weird Tales, PodCastle, and in anthologies, like the HWA Poetry Showcase VI, The Mammoth Book of Dark Magic, Monstroddities, D.O.A III, and others. He has published scholarship on Mary Shelley, Philip K. Dick, horror, the critical history of the fantastic, science fiction, and the workings of the sublime. He is a Professor of English at California State University, Fullerton.