Often funny, always terrifying, Michael Arnzen has been publishing experimental horror fiction and twisted poetry for over twenty years. His works have been adapted to film, music, and even playing cards and poetry magnets. A four-time winner of the Bram Stoker Award, Arnzen currently teaches in the MFA program in Writing Popular Fiction at Seton Hill University. The Gorelets Omnibus – published by Raw Dog Screaming Press in 2013 – collects a decade of his craziest poems and thinkpieces. Another RDSP title, 100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories, remains a ground-breaking collection in the flash fiction movement. His latest books are the novel, Play Dead, and Instigation: Creative Prompts on the Dark Side, an E-book helper for writers. See what Mike is up to now and subscribe to his newsletter at: http://gorelets.com