RDSP is excited to announce a deal with Darren Speegle to publish his collection Cries from the Static in 2017. This is the third collection by Speegle that RDSP has published. Both A Dirge for the Temporal and A Rhapsody for the Eternal received critical acclaim and garnered discerning fans. Once read, his stories and style are unforgettable which is why scions of the scene from Ellen Datlow to Laird Barron have all recognized the superior quality of his work.

Speegle has been crossing genres since way before it was in vogue. He’s a master of evoking exotic places and complex feelings so readers can expect many mind-bending journeys from this latest collection.

From the forward by Laird Barron:

“Speegle found his bearings in short order and for the past dozen years he’s steadily compiled a catalogue of fiction that overlaps the boundaries of horror, occult, and psychosexually-charged mystery. His writing is imbued with dark wisdom, perhaps borne of cynicism, and if not cynicism, definitely hard-knocks experience. He uses weird fiction as a lens to examine our eternal preoccupation with the strange territory of humanity’s inner life, which is but a microcosm of the strange territory of the greater universe. He sharpens that focus with brilliant intensity upon the subcategories of betrayal, fraught romance, and sudden, inevitable death. His specialty is a naturalist’s eye for a certain subspecies of expat. The doomed kind.”

About the Author

Darren Speegle is the author of five short story collections, the latest of which, A Haunting in Germany and Other Stories, is out now from PS Publishing. His horror novel The Third Twin is due in April from Crystal Lake Publishing. Auroram, a science fiction short novel, is coming in 2017 as well. His short fiction has appeared in numerous venues, including Subterranean, Postscripts, Crimewave, Clarkesworld, The Third Alternative (now Black Static), Fantasy, Cemetery Dance, and Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy. He has recently become interested in editing, and his human-evolution-themed anthology Adam’s Ladder has been picked up by Dark Regions/Written Backwards for a mid 2017 release. A widely traveled American, Darren often sets his stories in interesting or exotic places where he has lived (Germany, Alaska, Southeast Asia) or otherwise explored (broader Europe). Between gigs as a federal contractor in the Middle East, Darren resides in Thailand, where he is touching up his cross-genre novel The World Is My Oyster.

Cries from the Static Table of Contents

  1. Lago Di Iniquità (The Third Alternative, 2005)
  2. Lauren, with the Fall of Night (Dark Discoveries, 2016)
  3. A Carnival of Events (original)
  4. Saudade (Crimewave, 2008)
  5. Three Towns, One Migrant (original)
  6. Cries From the Static (original poem)
  7. Der Teufelobstgarten (Brutarian, 2005)
  8. A Lonely Town in Alaska (Shivers VII, 2012)
  9. Things That Tend to Disturb (original)
  10. Shall a Whisper Die Unheard? (original)
  11. Lathered Spit in the Calloused Palms of the Demiurge (original poem)
  12. The Moon, a Roman Token (Fantasy, 2009)
  13. Hexerei (Corpse Blossoms, 2005)
  14. The Horticulturist’s Daughter (Cemetery Dance, 2008)
  15. Dear Whom (original poem)
  16. Kiss of Chromium, Caress of Isolation (Of Eggs and Elephants, 2013)
  17. American Kisses (original)



