Forgot to mention that I rearranged the RDSP site over the weekend. It doesn’t look too different but now that we’ve got more than a couple titles out I wanted to showcase the books more.

In the good news category: 100 Jolts got onto the Shocklines bestseller list this week and it looks like will be running a review soon.

In the bad news category: I think my head might explode. Who can keep track of all these details? The accounting, emails, ads, mailing packages, ordering books, sending files to the printer, events, manuscript submissions…uh what was I saying, something about my head…a disturbing throbbing in my skull. Is it normal for the right eye to be bigger than the left? The way it pulsates is a little bit odd…

current mood: frazzled
current music: Freemasons of Enochian Magic by Penal Colony

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