RDSP will be running a workshop for Fleeting Pages in Pittsburgh, PA this Saturday, May 21st at noon and then again at 3 pm.

The short story on Fleeting Pages:
Taking over (taking back?) a space, left empty by a failed big box bookstore, for one month, starting MAY 7th, and filling it with independent & self-published work of all kinds, book arts, workshops, and events. All revolving around written self-expression. For more on the project: www.fleetingpages.com

Workshop Details: Flash Fiction Free-For-All – Author and editor John Edward Lawson will lead a workshop for anyone interested in learning more about flash fiction, tips for writing it, and markets for publication. Bring your writing notebook and join the fun. Prizes will be given for the best pieces written. All participants will have the option of having their piece published on the Raw Dog Screaming Press web site. Refreshments will be served. – Free

Address: 5986 Penn Circle South, Pittsburgh, PA

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