Check it out, the first book available from blindsidepubs new venture.

Does the cover look slick or what! Don’t make me remind you all that I did the logo for Blindside Publishing, OK?

Now I wonder if we should be going with more photo-real style covers. I really dig this one. Check out the site for pre-order info


  1. Wow, you kick so much ass. Thanks for that!

    Both of Blindside’s first two titles are photo-real style covers. But that’s not necessarily on purpose, it’s just the best of what I found that matched the titles. But I’m really glad you like it.

    And you’re damn right you did Blindside’s logo, and it’s amazing. I’ve been giving serious consideration to getting the art of the logo tattooed….

  2. Honestly, i’ve never liked photo covers and literaly tend to avoid them unless someone forces me to read the contents within. Something about them makes me not what to pick up and find out whats it’s about. Abstract, trick photography are different stories. And theres always exceptions. Objects seem less objectionable then people.

    Actually, it’s not really photos i don’t like. I dislike of bright bold eye catching colors, pictures of static people. I like covers that look like pieces of art i would have in my home. Covers that have a sence of depth to them, and age. Or stylish bold looks. I will buy a book inspite of it’s cover if i’m informed, but on a cold sale, i defenetly look at the outside for clues as to what it’s going to be like inside.

    The a view from the lake cover has a bold stark amlost lonely sence to it. While it is cool, it still doesn’t do something for me. I wouldn’t buy it. Unless someone convinced me otherwise.

  3. Tattoo

    I guess that logo would make a pretty cool tattoo. If you ever actually do it you have to let me know, then I can say I’m a logo AND tattoo designer.

  4. I tend to agree with you on concept of the book itself being art. I think a lot depends on the content of the book too though. I really like the way the Gifune cover is executed. A lot of times they don’t put much effort into a photo-real cover, just slap on an image.

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