I have been remiss! I should have posted that the new issue of The Dream People is up at http://www.dreampeople.org days ago.

Also Text:Ur has been reviewed in Booklist:

“Aguirre’s prolific editing ventures led to a World Fantasy Award for Leviathan 3 (2002). Judging by the high caliber of the selections in his latest anthology, another prize may come his way. With diverse and intriguing themes, ranging from the unique problems of immortal humans to the fate of an alien who can answer only six questions put by its earthling hosts, the 20 stories here display remarkable degrees of creativity and craftsmanship. Many have a conspicuously experimental flavor, such as Tom Miller’s modern fable about the devil infiltrating humankind to rebuild a temple, “The Fifth Tasle: When the Devil Met Baldrick Beckenbauer,” in which a more intriguing story is told by the lengthy footnotes. Others turn Kafkaesque, such as Brian Evenson’s “Fugue State,” describing contemporary society’s decline during a memory-wasting plague. To serve as interludes between longer pieces, Christina Boyka Kluge contributes three whimsical, one-page prose poems. Readers looking for speculative fiction that defies classification as either sf or fantasy will find it in this captivating volume.” Carl Hays for Booklist

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