Wow, it doesn’t look like I ever posted the cover for CPR for Dummies either.

Open to any page in CPR for Dummies and you just may read a line like this:
He’s a priest; of course he hesitated when he realized he was about to hit someone with a crucifix.


I needed to believe someone higher than the government was in charge of things so I went to church.


“We are here to, like, honor your loins and everything,” said Ruth.

The world is creeping towards destruction—no, not theoretically—it’s really happening. In these last hours will humanity come together to correct their collective wrongs? Or will there be rampant beatings and kinky sex?

CPR for Dummies


  1. Thanks, it’s a departure from a lot of our other covers but I think it fits the book.

  2. It enhances the title in a smart, thought-provoking way. I should check out the book.

  3. It’s a pretty entertaining read. I’ll be running a pre-order discount soon which I’ll post here once it’s up.

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