Battle Without Honor or Humanity Volume 2 short story collection cover artJoin us for an evening of irrealism with acclaimed author D. Harlan Wilson. There will be readings from his new book Battle Without Honor or Humanity, Vol. 2 as well as audience Q & A, freebies, and more! This free event will be going live at 7 p.m. Eastern Time at for all those interested in fiction, the inner workings of the publishing world, body building, heckling our attire choices, cult indoctrination, Anti-Oedipus Press, fringe weirdness, Raw Dog Screaming Press, Outré, and more!

Who is this event for?

  • Those familiar with D. Harlan Wilson’s brand of ultraviolent science fiction humor
  • Those unfamiliar with sanity
  • Those in need of a personal trainer
  • …and YOU.

Signing up is easy! Simply enter your email to receive the link for entry to our event at

For a taste of our previous online events sample the following:

Women in Horror Panel with Damien Angelica Walters, Jessica McHugh, Deena Warner, John Edward Lawson, and Jennifer Barnes.

DogCon5 Pre-Party!


[bctt tweet=”This free event will be going live at 7 p.m. Eastern Time at″ username=”RDSPress”]