Better Haunted Homes and Gardens



When Ivy Spookerton realizes that her apartment is too small for all of her pets she decides to move. But where will she and her pets feel most at home? With the help of realtor Lady MacBeth she sets out to find the most haunted house in all of Pumpkinville.

Jennifer Barnes has a B.A. in English with a concentration in poetry from the University of Maryland. After having a son in 2005 she became interested in writing children’s books and was inspired by the art of Kristen Margiotta to penBetter Haunted Homes & Gardens.

Kristen Margiotta was born and raised in Delaware, attending schools in Wilmington, one of the oldest and historical cities in the state. She is inspired by her childhood imagination and experiences, fashion, environmental surroundings and music. She is also inspired by many artists, especially the Old Masters, such as Caravaggio and Leonardo da Vinci. Kristen is currently creating an online store, pursuing children’s book illustration and continuing involvement in gallery events. She has also been an art instructor since 2003 and teaches both children’s and adult’s art classes.
