We interrupt this regular publishing schedule to buy a new car. Not new as in never-owned but new as in new-to-us. The Dodge finally got too expensive to fix so we really didn’t have a choice. Here’s a simple equation that sums up this week so far:
new car + baby on the way = stress

But things have been humming along with RDSP. We’re continuing to get lots of small direct orders which add up to quite a few sales when all is said and done. Bare Bone #7 is now available and we’re filling those pre-orders. We will be shipping a bunch of books to Forrest soon for WisCon and every time we turn around Amazon is ordering more copies of Sick.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Hope you didn’t buy another Dodge. That’s something I’ll never do again. It’s all about Toyota, baby!

    And, trust me, once you hold that baby in your arms, you won’t be caring about cars. Enjoy your child’s birth! It only comes once (at least in this reality)!


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