Things are going pretty well with the company but since the upcoming changes in our lives are bound to take away time from RDSP we’ve been considering trying to get more help. I tend to be one of those people who can’t leave things up to someone else, especially when it comes to RDSP because everything’s got to be done ‘just so.’ It’s terrible, I mean there’s a reason the phrase is ‘control FREAK’.

So we’ve come up with a few possibilities. One is getting college students as interns to do stuff like making packages but I’m afraid our ‘office’ isn’t official enough seeming and once there’s a baby in the house that will really make us look unprofessional.

Another possibility is getting a volunteer editor. Someone who could take a project from start to finish, edit a manuscript, deal with the author and cover artist, possibly do some book layout and manage the publicity for the release of the book, getting reviews & blurbs, setting up events etc.

I think either possibility could be great experience for someone who is interested but it would be a lot of work to expect from someone for no pay plus it requires a lot of different skills.

The other alternative is that we’ll just have to slow things down for awhile. I’m sure we won’t be able to keep up this pace but it’s frustrating to have to cut back now that things really seem to be taking off.


  1. Freelance editors are used even by the big publishers. Just spread some responsibility around. Does Kevin bring Bare Bone to completion, soup to nuts, every time?

  2. *volunteer* editors

    not sure what you’ll get with that…instead, you might consider having the editor’s compensation tied to book sales…a royalty for the editor just as you do for the author.

    I oh-so-briefly engaged in epublishing other authors and did that with cover artists. Best case scenario, you get not only a great edit on the book but an editor with a vested interest in how the book performs and will help promote the book.

    Because, personally, I’d laugh at *volunteer” editing where I’d presume other people are making money, unless the entire company is operating in the red and everyone but the author is functioning in a *volunteer* capacity. Although the company, once it comes out of the red, still can sell copies and start receiving compensation on previously unpaid work. But then I’m just a materialistic *b* 🙂


  3. Yeah, Kevin pretty much handles the whole thing, though I still proof the file just to make sure. It’s a sickness I tell you! Are there many editors who are interested in working on novels? I know plenty of people who want us to put out an anthology they’ve edited but we’ve been well-warned about the pitfalls of anthollogies.

  4. Of course; they’re generally a lot smarter than the antho people too.

    Freelance editors don’t even necessarily have their name all over the book, like how Ellen Datlow edits Jonathan Carroll’s books for Tor.

    You just need to find people who have their ears to the ground.

  5. Re: *volunteer* editors

    These are good points. I guess I knew that nothing good is free so probably if you get someone willing to do it for free they might not do the best job. Tieing to royalties is a good idea though. Right now it really only is the authors that aren’t volunteers. That is, we don’t take any money out of the business to pay ourselves. But maybe soon we’ll be in the position to offer an editor royalties.

  6. Re: another option

    I don’t know, sometimes I think the xecutioner part is silent…

  7. Yes, we definitely need to meet up with more of those kinds of editors than the people shopping around anthologies. I tell you, the last thing the world needs is another Zombie antho!

  8. is there any chance “volunteer editor” is some new lingo meaning “highly paid editor” and “no pay” is a newfangled term that really means “a lot of pay” and “a lot of work” is your absurdist way of saying “no work at all”? sometimes i misunderstand things, like a menu, instead of food they cut my ears and toes off.

  9. I’d offer to do one or two projects, with my boss’s permission, but it would largely depend on the project, really.

  10. much appreciated

    Thanks for the offer! We may have to take you up on that. We’ll definitely let you know if we acquire any projects that seem up your alley. Though I know you’re plenty busy yourself with all the books you’re handling!

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