sent a very cool blurb for Lemur today:

“LEMUR is one of the flat-out strangest (in a good way) books I’ve had the pleasure of reading in ages. Also one of the funniest. There’s very little normalcy to be found in Tom Bradley’s demented tale, but more entertainment value than most books twice its length!”

–Jeff Strand, author of PRESSURE

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Jeff Strand’s blurb

    Tom Bradley here, and I am pleased with Jeff’s appraisal. He remarks on the very qualities I’m aiming at: strangeness, funniness, abnormalcy and, above all, dementia–senile, puerile, fissile: I’ll take them all.

    Thanks, Jennifer, for putting Jeff’s gem of a blurb on LEMUR’s dustjacket, and also on this website.

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