The details for our event at the Annapolis Barnes & Noble have finally been decided.
The Horror of Writing, The Thrill of Success & Failure: A Workshop on Horror Fiction & the Writing Life
Barnes & Noble in Annapolis Harbor Shopping Center
2512 Solomons Island Rd, (410) 573-1115
Thursday October 14th, 7 pm
The format will be much like a panel discussion. Each author will introduce themselves. We’ll talk about a few topics and then open for questions.
We’ve started to ship the first few completed ES! special editions. For now we’re just doing the direct customers. They still have a lot more to make before they fill the order but it’s nice that we were able to send out at least some in August since we were aiming to have them done in August. I hope most of the orders will be filled by the end of September. That would be excellent but I’m not sure how realistic that is.
The response to the Booksense program has been disappointing. Not nearly as many stores have requested copies of Everybody Scream! as I expected. I wonder if there’s something about the timing, with the summer just ending or what. So far it’s not looking like a good alternative to review copies. I think it’s good publicity to give out copies of the books but only if they go to people who can either write a review that more than 2 or 3 people will see or are in charge of ordering books. I guess we’ll have to look into some more options.