We’re going to be sending out a lot of review copies of books in the next few months and I’m dreading those sweaty trips to the post office (our local branch doesn’t have air-conditioning!?!). So I’m looking into getting a postage meter. They don’t seem to be too expensive to rent but I’m guessing the place where they really get you is the supplies.

Does anyone out there have experience with postage meters? Are they worth the money? I’m sure there are sites where you can get discounted supplies but my search has come up with lots of sites but I’m having trouble comparing prices and really getting an accurate picture. I was thinking of going with the Pitney Bowes mailstation but it looks like the Personal Post might be more common and therefore have better discount supply availability.

1 Comment

  1. Stamping machines

    We had a machine that metered and sealed envelopes for our late fee letters when I worked at a library. Ours was an old model, but very good and we could proccess hundreds of letters an hour. There were the usual problems with paper jams and water contraners and running out of postage, but they were far better than the old lick-n-stick method. Just a warning-sometimes people mis-metered and put the wrong date on all the envelopes, which meant hundreds of dollars of postage was used up, but the post office wouldn’t accept it. Uh, suddenly I feel like an old woman talking about back-in-the-day. Hope it was helpful.

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