For those of you interested in the convoluted inner workings of the small press there’s an interesting discussion going on over at the Horror-Web message board about the “impending doom” of the industry. John has been making quite a few posts on the thread and it’s a lively discussion. Unfortunately I don’t have the time to jump in but I would say that as long as the big publishers keep putting out as much awful stuff as they are the “small press” is in no danger. Especially since the recent trend of mass market publishing is turning away from taking time to develope authors and instead just searching for that one instant success. Here’s the link:
And, if that doesn’t satisfy your publishing sweet tooth here’s an interview John recently did over at LitKicks It’s chock full of advice for writers about getting published which many people have said they found very useful.
One thing I admire about John is how generous he has always been with his advice for authors. It’s taken years of struggle for him to build up that knowledge and he’s always giving it away at the drop of a hat. Now that I think about it we know quite a few authors who are always ready to give good advice like Mike Arnzen, Ron Malfi and Matt Warner. If you are a new author and run into a generous soul like these people make sure you appreciate their help even if it’s not always what you want to hear like; it isn’t easy getting your work published, it takes persistence and patience.