Context 27 • September 26-September 28
This year we have 3 authors participating in Context: Matt Betts, J.L. Gribble and Lucy A. Snyder. If you haven’t been before, Context is a friendly convention focused on speculative fiction literature and related games, comics and films. Below are the schedules for our authors but you can find more info and events at the Context site.
Friday, Sept. 26th
3-5p Urban Fantasy and Supernatural Horror Workshop—Lucy Snyder
7p What is an MFA and (Why) Do I Want One?—Lucy Snyder
7p Writers Groups: Joining, Making, and Benefiting—Matt Betts
9p Flash Fiction Contest—Matt Betts
Saturday, Sept. 27th
12p Skewering the Trope: “Tough Women” in Literature—Lucy Snyder
2p Reading—Lucy Snyder
2p Doing Magic Right—Matt Betts
4p Crowdfunding’s Heights and Depths—Lucy Snyder
5p Book Signing—Lucy Snyder
5p The Well Rounded Creative—J.L. Gribble
Sunday, Sept. 28th
10a Busting Writer’s Block—Matt Betts
10a Finding an agent (or not)—J.L. Gribble
11a Book Publishing Disasters—J.L. Gribble
1p Care and Feeding of beta readers—J.L. Gribble