IMG_2202This isn’t about RDSP but the OG, the orignal dog, our Boxer Atlanta. It took all weekend to get to the bottom of the problem with her eye, including 4 trips total to two doctors (one of which is 45 minutes away) and a bunch of trips to at least 3 different pharmacies. The short version is that she has a mass behind her right eye which put so much pressure on the eye that the retina detached. The eye is blind and will have to be removed so they can get rid of the mass. The ‘mass’ could be cancerous or it could be benign. None of the blood work shows anything wrong and the X-rays of her lungs look normal (apparently if there’s cancer behind the eye it usually spreads to the lungs). She’ll be having the surgery tomorrow. I wish we had pet health insurance!

Atlanta was around for the inception of RDSP and has inspired some great poems from rdsp like ‘In the Jowlitorium’. She is also one of kldwriter‘s biggest fans and not just because he’s the editor of Bare Bone.


  1. My fingers are crossed that it is benign. I wish Atlanta a speedy recovery! That’s a very cute picture of her and Ripley!

  2. My rottie, Chino had similar problems with his eye. One mass on his eye, one behind and on the side. He also got some stomach ulcers from the pain. Everything is good now and he’s back to normal after surgery and some painkillers.

    If you haven’t been told or asked about it, watch for changes in personality as eye problems, for some reason, I was told by the vet, lead to ulcers in the stomach…which lead to pissed off doggies.

  3. Thanks! Ripley just loves Atlanta. He’s always giving her hugs or pats and mostly doesn’t pull her ears.

  4. Yeah, they’ll probably be even more silly since, without an eye, it will look like she’s winking all the time.

  5. Thanks for the tip. I don’t think they mentioned anything about ulcers though they did say that with so much pressure on her eye she would be pretty uncomfortable. When we think back on it she had been sluggish for a few days to a week before there was anything visibly wrong with the eye but she’s getting the surgery right away so I’m hoping it hasn’t been long enough to cause an ulcer. But we’ll definitely watch her closely, especially with a toddler around. She’s normally extremly mild tempered. It’s good to hear that your dog got better after something similar!

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