There is an awesome study of Lemur up at Unlikely Stories, by Jonathan Penton When Spencer Met Hannibal: Recreational Cannibalism in the New American Century.

Here’s an excerpt:

“[Spencer] is the shadow following every American youth; too pathetic to be an Everyman, he is nonetheless what Everyman sees when we look in our bathroom mirrors of self-contempt.”

and another:

“People get scared in Lemur, people get hurt, and people die. The ending implies a future far more horrifying than the one implied by Hannibal. But we never actually see anything disturbing; nothing more grotesque than a children’s menu is described… It is Hannibal that Tom Bradley has homaged, answered, and slaughtered with Lemur… ”

I’ve been astounded by how many people have been inspired by Lemur to put time and effort into all manner of lengthy discourse on the book, especially considering how short the work itself is.

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