This weekend we added another editor to the growing RDSP team. We are excited to announce that Stephanie Wytovich has signed on to be our poetry editor. In the past we have published a few memorable books of poems, however, poetry is not something that we have been able to fully pursue due to lack of time. With the edition of an editor specifically to handle poetry we hope to build on our past success with more volumes of exceptional dark verse. Since we first met Stephanie we've been impressed with her enthusiasm, many talents, sense of humor and team spirit so we consider ourselves very lucky to be working with her.

(Here's a photo the captures the fast-fingers hypnotizing technique that I use to enthrall editors.)

A little more about Stephanie:
Stephanie M. Wytovich is an Alumni to Seton Hill University where she was a double major in English Literature and Art History. She has published numerous pieces, the most recent being her poem “When The Dead Wake Up.” She also enjoys painting and playing the piano. Wytovich will soon complete her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction, and is working on a novel. She plans to continue in academia to get her doctorate in Gothic Literature.

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