2004 looks like it’s going to be a pretty good year for the Raw Dog because he’s got what dog’s love most-more than a few things to chew on! Now that Sick is out we hope to spend the beginning of the year promoting that. So far the response has been good, it will be interesting to see what the reviewers have to say.
In April we’ll get a chance to showcase Sick at the World Horror Con in Phoenix and we’ll also be debuting Arnzen’s 100 Jolts there. Plus the new RDSP sponsored issue of Bare Bone will be out as well. It’s going to be the biggest event for RDSP so far and we hope to take part in any and every thing they’ve got planned. If we have time before the con we’ll try to squeeze in a novella of John’s titled Last Burn in Hell so he has something to promote at WHC too.
After that we’ll be hard at work completing our next two releases Jeff Thomas’ Everybody Scream! and Darren Speegle’s A Dirge for the Temporal which will both be out in time for Horrorfind in August. Everybody Scream! will be our first novel and we have a lot of hopes riding on it. Jeff Thomas has become a major talent and this book is definitely one of his best works. We’ve also been working on a few special plans for the Everybody Scream! which I hope to reveal soon.
current mood: hopeful
current music: The Mirror Pool by Lisa Gerard