Here are the details for the Orphan Leaf contest:
Announcing your chance to win a copy of Pseudo-City by D. Harlan Wilson signed by the author.
To enter write what appears to be the final page from a novel (350 words max). The following words should each appear once or more:
salesman | Dr Thunderlove | handlebar moustache | Untitled Inc.
The winning entry will be published in Issue Five. Send your piece in the body of an email to
by the end of March.
by the end of March.
About the Book:
In Pseudofoliculitis City nothing is as it seems and everything is as it should be. Today’s forecast calls for extreme confrontation, with sandwich flurries and the threat of handlebar moustaches to the west.
By turns absurd and surreal, dark and challenging, Pseudo-City exposes what waits in the bathroom stall, under the manhole cover and in the corporate boardroom, all in a way that can only be described as mind-bogglingly irreal.
James Paul Wallis
editor, the Orphan Leaf Review