We were contacted yesterday by a The Orphan Leaf Review about running a contest with a signed copy of Pseudo-City as the prize.

An Orphan Leaf is “a single page apparently torn from a book. The page exists, the rest of the book may not. Read to the end of the page. Let your imagination do the rest.”

This is the coolest publishing idea I’ve seen a a long time! They are open to submissions and welcome new authors. I’ll post more about the contest when it begins. In the meantime check out their site: http://www.orphanleaf.co.uk


  1. I’m glad!

    So I’m not the only one who thought this was great stuff! I spent waaaay too much time this morning at the web site. I think the concept is so cool. I got way too excited and started getting that old feeling of boundless possibilities that I used to have about publishing. I’m hoping a lot of the authors we work with will submit there because I’d love to see their work presented this way.

  2. Re: I’m glad!

    Nope, it totally sucked me in, and I kept going, “Shit, I should be working, but I can check out just a few more sample pages.”

    It restoked that sense of wonder, because just when you think there’s nothing new to be done with literary journals, someone finds something so simple yet brillant.

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