It sounds like a good time was had by all at D. Harlan Wilson’s book signing today. Author Paul Toth was one of the people who dropped by. If you’re in the Michigan area but missed this signing he’ll be at Way Station Books & Stuff this coming Thursday (11:00-2:30, 5-7) & Friday (11-2:30). We got a few pics courtesy of Chris Ringler who also helped set the event up.
I just put the pics up on our website and also added another author event; LJ’s infamous brotherrabbit (Ron Malfi) will be speaking at the Writer’s Weekend conference, June 9-12 in Seattle,. I believe the equally infamous Michael Hemmingson avantpop will also be there. I expect there will be drinking & trouble, lots of it. I don’t expect there will be any pics, unless they are police mug shots.