Bare Bone #10 is just about done and should be out by early April. The TOC is pretty impressive. I’m really excited about this issue because I think these are all writers doing cool things and well worth reading.

When Sussurus Stirs • Jeremy Robert Johnson
These Hands, Those Feet, This Heart • Mark Patrick Lynch
Regarding Dead Things on the Side of the Road • Benjamin X. Wretlind
The Love Parade • Cody Goodfellow
Playaway • Gary Fry
Little Fishy • Mark Justice
Questionnaire • Paul Finch
Red Soil • Robert Dunbar
Beneath the Husband • D. Harlan Wilson
New Pad • MP Johnson
All is Calm • Ronald Damien Malfi
Something in the Way • Gary McMahon
Wings of an Angel • Mark Zirbel
Pregnant Pause • John Platt
Somethnig has Goen Very Wrong • Kendall Evans
A Haunt of Hammers • Michael Kelly
Watching • Jeremy C. Shipp
Blue • Tom Piccirilli

Not the Reaper • Michael A. Arnzen
Communion • Joy Marchand
The Great Man’s Apology • Steve Rasnic Tem
The Spider King • K.S. Hardy
The Reading • Cathy Buburuz
Taking Down the Nativity • Kurt Newton
Femme à La Carte • Jamison Landry
A Message for the Loved Unknown • Charlee Jacob
As a King Weeps • Jeffrey A. Stadt
Paper • Donna Lynch


  1. Trying to contact an author

    Hi there

    Sorry to bug you on your LJ, but I’ve been desperately trying to contact Mark Patrick Lynch regarding reprinting a story of his we published in ASIM a couple of years ago. Is there any chance you have a contact email?

    My email is dragonkat at andromedaspaceways dot com – any assistance would be most appreciated.


  2. Re: Trying to contact an author


    I only have a snail mail address but Kevin Donihe, the editor of Bare Bone probably has an email address for him so I’ve sent your request on to Kevin.

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