We’ve got two big projects going to the printer (or at the printer) right now. I’ve known for ages that we would have to pay $7000+ for these printings but I didn’t quite realize they would come at the same time. I’m reasonably certain that we will make a profit on these ventures but I can’t help getting a bit nervous now that the time to pay up has arrived.

So far we really haven’t had to deal with the issue of cash flow which is the beautiful thing about POD. But now I can see how complicated publishing becomes when you have to pay for the books many months before you are likely to receive money for any sales. The trade-off is that we should have a much better profit margin on a print run than a POD release. I hope this gamble pays off!


  1. Good luck you guys. Stay strong, hang in there, and pound those
    “accounts recievable” like there’s no tommorrow, because without payment, there isn’t.

  2. In my book, making the jump from POD to an actual print run is the right move for RDSP to make. It’s scary as hell climbing into debt for your project, but if anybody can do it, you guys can. I’ve been very impressed by the work Raw Dog’s produced. Go for it.

  3. Re: fingers crossed for you 🙂

    Thanks! One is a 500 copy hardcover print run, the other is a special edition, only 150 copies but with lots of bells and whistles.

  4. Good point!

    I know you’re speaking from experience…one thing I would never make is a good bill collector.

  5. the projects are…

    PLAY DEAD and the WESTERMEAD special edition. I do feel good about moving away from POD and it all looks good on paper. It just takes something of a leap of faith to put your money where your mouth is.

  6. thank for the support

    It helps a lot to know there are people who are out there wishing the best for these projects.

  7. Re: the projects are…

    I like POD because I know exactly when I’m going to get paid . . . this isn’t always the case with a distributor or wholesaler . . .

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