Thanks to guest editor dj_of_l this issue of The Dream People is running way ahead of schedule. I’ve been formatting the pieces and have read just about all of them. It’s a stellar issue with some of our favorites from the past and some intriguing new authors as well. Here’s the line-up:
And Now, Our Feature Presentation by Mark McLaughlin
Used by Alyssa Sturgill
Prodigy by Kemarie Kurtz
The Club by Charles Richard Laing
Zombie Grrrl by Michael Grahm
The Egg Farm by Kurt Newton
Eli’jah, the True Mac Daddy by Cake Earthhead
Sheets of Ash by Mark Frost
There is a Man by A D Dawson
Poor Little Girl by Mike Philbin
The issue is almost all put together now. I’ve replaced the old RDSP banner on the site with wretlind‘s cool ‘Fiction that Foams at the Mouth’ banner. Plus I hope to plug Two Backed Books and the new forum when I send out the mass email. Hopefully that will stir up more discussion on the message board.