The Dream People has had a pretty long and colorful history for an online zine and now it will be reinvented yet again. D. Harlan Wilson is taking over editorial duties and has already put together a new site. He’s looking for submissions so head over and check it out.

I’m kind of sad that we’ll no longer be directing the content but I’m excited to see what D. Harlan will do with the venue. Plus I know that we just don’t have the time to keep the zine alive.


  1. Gasp! No more poetry? *cries* Man-o-man, such a travesty. Well creative nonfiction will be good, if he can find any. And if he can i want his phone number becuase it seems quite hard to get a hold of.

    Your time as overlords of the DP will be looked back on as the golden years, when a leamer could get a cantelope in this town. Sorry you don’t have time to do it anymore, but i’m glad it’s still going.

    By the by, incase no one else has pointed this out, the contents of the june/july 05 issue are awol.

  2. Yeah, I was disappointed that they didn’t continue the poetry too. There really aren’t enough venues for fringe poetry. Maybe someone will volunteer to edit poetry. I was considering it but I know I don’t have time to handle the submissions.

  3. Unfortunately Alyssa wasn’t able to finish the issue. I think she had picked out pieces and everything but she said she wouldn’t be able to do the layout. She’s going to hold onto the pieces for awhile to see if maybe she’ll have time to do it later or maybe she can use them for Bloodcookies.

  4. Yeah the lemurs and cantelopes are quickly disappearing! Thanks for the tip about June/July 05. I’ll go look into that.

  5. I’d do it, but then again I’m just some schmuck who works for Rue Morgue, runs a micro press, and wrote a book of poetry once upon a time. 😉 Someone with a name really needs to get on that because dark poetry always gets such a bad rap and it certainly doesn’t deserve it because there’s some real quality verse out there.

  6. As far as I know

    Alyssa got as far as reviewing subs and I think she had some things picked out but she didn’t contact anybody about with acceptances or rejections. You might want to contact her regarding your submission.

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