If you haven’t heard about it already author Douglas Clegg is auctioning off the limited hardcover rights to his book The Abandoned on ebay. Check it out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2492392403 The bid is already up past $1000 and apparently the auction itself is getting a lot of views. Clegg really knows how to stir the pot! I love the outrageousness of this move. It’s a fascinating prospect and a real leap of faith.
As a publisher this auction makes my heart beat faster. Releasing a Clegg book could really put us on the map. We want to move in the direction of real print runs and advances but that’s hard to do with authors who don’t have a large fan following. With Clegg there’s a built in market and guaranteed sales. Plus he’s already created a huge buzz around the book. And just think of the amazing ultra special edition Grimoire we could do!
However, advances and print runs both require a lot of cash up front. I’ve been learning the hard way how long it takes to get the money from your initial investment. If the bid goes a lot higher (and there are still 8 days left so I imagine it will) we simply wouldn’t have the cash. There’s something about an auction that makes you reckless. There’s a feeling that this opportunity will pass you up and once you start bidding you just don’t want to lose. But a miscalculation about how much you can afford to spend could be fatal. I have absolutely no doubt as to the money-making possibilities of this project but, as usual, you’ve got to have money to make money.