It’s cool to see a positive response to the Pseudo-City cover. I just love these jetpack, bowler-hatted guys the artist made. I can’t stop using them for stuff!
One thing I’ve added to the site is a specials section on the catalog page. Right now you can order A Dirge for the Temporal and Bare Bone #5 together for the low, low price of $14.95. And that includes shipping! Please spread the word about this deal if you can, it’s on the sidebar of the catalog page.
Also, I’ve been meaning to make mention a couple upcoming releases from Necro Publications that I highly recommend.
First, they’ve announced PUNKTOWN: SHADES OF GREY by Jeffrey Thomas & Scott Thomas which will be out in hardcover and deluxe. I’m sure this will be an astounding book.
Second, DANGEROUS RED by mehitobel Wilson will be re-released as an unlimited trade paperback. The info’s not up on the Necro site yet though so I don’t know exactly when. This is really one of the best short story collections I’ve read in the horror small press and I highly recommend it.