Heard from Jeff Thomas who says he’s hoping to finish Everybody Scream! this weekend! He also sent along a blurb for the book, “Jeffrey Thomas has created an intricate and thoroughly engrossing world here, one that digs deep and lingers. Whether you’re a stranger to Punktown or a long time resident, this book will peel the lead paint off the inside of your skull.” – Carlton Mellick III, author SATAN BURGER

Getting the blurb spurred me on to come up with an idea for the back cover. It seems like a lot of people don’t spend much time on design for back covers. I’ve seen plenty of books with just a bit of text or even nothing at all. But if the cover is good and gets people to pick the book up you have to have to be sure to follow through with an equally compelling back cover. But the back of a book is a bit more tricky than the front. You need an exciting but short summary, very easy to read text layout/font plus graphical elements which don’t compete with the text.

current mood: Industrious
current music: Operation Beatbox-V/A

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