I’m surprised and pleased that there seems to be quite a bit of buzz around Spider Pie. John said a couple people asked about it at the con and khaibit108 has had people asking her when the book will be available. I hope to be uploading the file soon and maybe we’ll have review copies by next month.

I’d say RDSP has taken a jump to another level with all these titles being released and corresponding sales increases. Or at least the workload has jumped to another level. I try to keep up with the books and every so often we crunch all the numbers to see what we’ve got ourselves into.

Number crunching can be creative and interesting. You can bend and twist those numbers so many different ways it’s hard to get a clear picture. Usually I concentrate on one book at a time calculating all the costs that went into the book and all the sales for that book to see if the book has made money or not. But that doesn’t take into account money spent on the general company for advertising, supplies, stuff that keeps us running. So this time I figured out how much total we’ve spent on the company so far and divided it by the number of titles to see how much each title costs us. It came out to a whopping $2000 per title. Now granted, we don’t actually spend that much on each title but we do have to spend the money for the things that keep the company running, pay for the website, ink, office supplies all kinds of doo-doo. This new figure may affect how we look at projects when we sign them though.

A good friend of mine who lives in CA just got internet access for the first time in his life and I’m psyched! All these years we’ve corresponded by super-slow postal mail. How did he live without a computer!!??


  1. Anonymous

    “How did I live”,she asks.HAH!!!I merely waited patiently for the right time to infect the vast reaches of cyberspace from my semi-hidden base of operations.Soon,ALL will feel the tremor of my unbridled creativity…

    Aw damn,I’m monologue-ing again…..

  2. The overhead / expenses shouldn’t be _that_ high. Though, I don’t know. Ours tends to be five to ten thousand a month, or more.

  3. Hi neighbor . . . do you know that Bethesda is _only_ thirty minutes away from your house? Know of any cheap apartments? I’m looking at Silver Springs, where one-bedroom apartments are going for seven-eighty. (Eeeeeeeeeek!) From four hundred in Ohio, to six-eighty in PA, to seven-eighty in MD? That’s just effed up.

  4. Publishing Expenses

    The thing is that this figure includes all start-up costs for the business, a new computer, ISBNs, software. All that stuff that we won’t have to buy again for years. Basically everything we write off on our taxes. My hope is that the more books we get in our catalog and the more years we’re in business the lower the number will go. It’s just an interesting way of looking at the figures.

  5. Neighbors

    Sean, I couldn’t believe it when John said you guys were moving so close! But I was also worried about the expense. This place is OUTRAGEOUS for living expense. A one-bedroom in Silver Spring for $780 sounds like a deal actually. You’d probably have to look in Prince Georges county (where we live) to get something cheaper but if you have to commute to Bethesda that would suck.

    Just let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you out in the move. We’ll definitely have to get together for dinner once you’re settled in!

  6. Dastardly

    I see you’ve infiltrated my journal. I wondered how long it would take but I didn’t think the disease would spread so fast!

  7. Re: Publishing Expenses

    Ah, one-time expenses. I did that for the first full year of Prime, in which I spent something like twenty thousand dollars. I never want to do that again 🙂

  8. Re: Neighbors

    I’ll have to commute to Bethesda, either way. I currently drive to the office, thirty minutes away, which is not a big deal. (I used to commute to some Walgreen stores an hour away). I probably will be coming down to look at apartment in a few weeks. John wants my ass settled in by mid-June to July 1st. Ideally I’d love to spend less, as I’m just one person (and two girls, my cats), but I doubt it’ll happen.

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