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Feel good about the gifts you’re giving. When you buy books from an indie publisher you support the press, the author and book culture yourself. Plus these books look amazing under the tree, on the coffee table and on the shelves of your favorite reader. Of course you don’t have to gift all three books, you may just want to keep one for yourself!
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Dark Poets Bundle
Give the decadent experience of tasting true darkness, exploring depthless new textures while lingering in the gloam.
Dark Storytellers Bundle
Will they escape? Heart-pounding horror and twisted mysteries await.
Cult Classic Novels
Here’s a sample of some of our most beloved and popular novels. Show them what RDSP fiction is all about.
Sci-Fi Adventure Novels Bundle
Send someone on a heart racing adventure to new, different and distant worlds!
The New Fantasy Bundle
Buying for someone who has read it all? This all-female author bundle of novels will set their sights on fresh horizons.
Steel Empires Starter Kit
Gift the world of Limani with the first three books in the Steel Empires series.