BOOKS-themanWe were extremely excited to hear that Publishers Weekly has given The Man Who Loved Alien Landscapes by Albert Wendland a starred review and made it the Pick of the Week! This is the first time one of our titles has received a starred review from Publishers Weekly.

In Wendland’s intricately plotted, character-driven debut, pulp exploration meets philosophical speculation, and a moralistic sensibility is fused with Philip K. Dick’s paranoid fantasies and Ray Bradbury’s awe of alien encounters.…Impending doom pervades ripping action scenes, the Lovecraftian theme of ancient warring aliens lends cosmic menace and authenticity to a grandiose mystery…deeply absorbing.”—Publishers Weekly starred review

The Man Who Love Alien Landscapes is currently available for pre-order and will debut at Confluence 2014 in Pittsburgh, PA, July 25-27.