New review in for 15 Serial Killers over at Horror-Web. It’s a thoughtful and honest response that pretty much sums up how many readers—either with an acedemic or genre background—seem to react when reading Jaffe’s book. You can view it at;action=display;num=1087711153
Efrem has completed editing of The Fall of Never. He’s got a keen eye for issues of detail and consistency! He ought to work as a continuity person in the film industry. He’d be getting paid the big bucks then.
Well, three more big projects have come our way this weekend. One is a multi-city PR event; two are books. There will be more info soon as the details get worked out. I will say this: you can expect to see a lot more of Raw Dog Screaming in Barnes & Noble, and at least two more Grim Grimoires!
Picked up a couple more retailers this week: Camelot Books and Bad Moon Books. Camelot specializes in limited and special editions. They picked up twenty copies of the Everybody Scream! special edition, so if you can’t find it Shocklines, or if Clarkesworld sells out, you’ll be able to get it from them! Meanwhile Bad Moon is carrying our full line of titles in trade paperback, hardcover, and special edition. They’re located in California, so if you happen to be in their neighboorhood stop by and tell ’em you got the rabies for some RDSP. Check out the retailers page at for more info.