We’re excited to announce another novella signed from our open call. L. Marie Wood’s experimental 12 Hours had us spellbound from the start.

Editor R.J. Joseph says, “The opportunity to work with L. Marie, a horror genre leader, is an editorial dream. With all I know about writing, I’m still sure to learn something new through the ways she constantly reinvents her writing, and the genre itself.”

While L. Marie is known for writing gripping psychological horror, you’ll find she’s taken a unique approach to this crime-ridden tale.

About 12 Hours

If you had twelve hours after death, what would you spend them doing? For one murdered cabbie, the choice is made with the dawning realization that he and his murderer may have more in common than he thought. 

About the Novella Line

The Selected Papers from the Consortium for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena (CSAP) is a line of novellas curated by editor/academic R.J. Joseph. She serves both as editor for the line and also imaginary “Crypt-Keeper,” introducing each tale as a found document and part of the fictional journal produced by the CSAP society. The first book in the series, Bleak Houses, will be released on August 3rd and contains two novellas from Kate Maruyama.

About the Author

L. Marie Wood is an award-winning dark fiction author, screenwriter, and poet with novels in the psychological horror, mystery, and dark romance genres. She won the Golden Stake Award for her novel The Promise Keeper.  She is a recipient of the MICO Award and has won Best Horror, Best Action, Best Afrofuturism/Horror/Sci-Fi, and Best Short Screenplay awards in both national and international film festivals.

Wood, a Brand New Weird nominated author, has penned short fiction that has been published in groundbreaking works, including the Bram Stoker Award Finalist anthology, Sycorax’s Daughters and Slay: Stories of the Vampire Noire. She is also part of the 2022 Bookfest Book Award winning poetry anthology, Under Her Skin.  Wood is also the founder of the Speculative Fiction Academy, an English and Creative Writing professor, and a horror scholar.  Learn more about L. Marie Wood at www.lmariewood.com.