Baltimore Book Festival • September 25-27


Both John Edward Lawson and K. Ceres Wright will be on panels held at the SFWA tent during the Baltimore Book Festival. Here’s the schedule:


Friday, Sept. 25, 2 pm • Blurring the Edges of Genre

Writers of literary science fiction, poetry, horror, slipstream and weird fiction talk about the genres they love. Learn what those labels mean, and what happens when you defy labels.

Panelists: Anatoly Belilovsky, Robin Wyatt Dunn, Carmen Maria Machado, Denise Clemons, John Edward Lawson

K. Ceres WrightSaturday, Sept. 26, 4 pm • Charming? Baltimore City as a template for futurism

What does Baltimore look like in the future? SFWA Guest of Honor Tobias Buckell and a panel of writers, futurists and social designers discuss Charm City’s future through the lens of the engineer, the writer, and the activist. Panel led by Jason Harris (“Redlines: Baltimore 2028”).

Panelists: Anatoly Belilovsky, Tobias S. Buckell, Jason Harris, Nia Johnson, K Ceres Wright

Saturday, Sept. 26, 5 pm • Earl Grey, Hot: Future Food, Fantastical Food

From food pills to food printers to the latest in Elven lembas bread, our experts will whet your appetite for fictional food.

Panelists: Diana Peterfreund, Cat Rambo, Lawrence M. Schoen, Bud Sparhawk, Fran Wilde, K Ceres Wright

AUTHORS-JohnLawson Sunday, Sept. 27, 3 pm • We Need Diverse Books: The Next Chapter

Books with diverse characters, written by diverse authors, are a focus of the We Need Diverse Books campaign. Readers are clamoring for books about and by people of color, LGBTQIA people, people with disabilities, people of different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. What’s next for the industry? Our authors talk about diversity, representation, and the next steps.

Panelists: Tobias S. Buckell, Bill Cambell, Justina Ireland, John Edward Lawson, KM Szpara, GL Tomas