I’m a bit behind on things because I didn’t expect to have to do the final read-through of Fugue. I thought I had somebody lined up to do that but it didn’t work out. So John and I split the stories and got it done. Of course we still found mistakes! I hate that, I’ve been through the thing already twice. Where are these coming from?

Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of off-hand comments about RDSP that make us sound like bigwigs. I’m glad that the professional image we try to maintain is convincing but it’s also a little scary since we’re really still so tiny. People forget that we’ve only been in business a couple years and that there’s only two of us, no corporate offices, no book warehouses and no paychecks (in other words, all the money coming in goes back into the business). I’m afraid someday someone will come into our Emerald Cape Cod, fling back the curtain and catch a couple of mutts pawing away at a computer!


  1. Anonymous

    In the Doghouse

    I’m the fink that punked out on the hard-working RDSP team. I got so caught up in “pawing away at my keyboard” for my office job (like a good little corporate wage-donkey) that I let it slide that I had commitments to people who are much more important to me than my boss.

    You’ll probably end up with a better product as a result of John and Jen’s personal touch, but I apologize to them for making more work.

  2. Okay…so in other words I should take down the RDSP billboards, ask the blimp to stop trailing the “RDSP or die” banner, and stop airing my subliminal messages of RDSP during movies?? That’s a lot to ask…but I shall.

  3. The blimp is great…

    and all that other stuff is fine too. But we just can’t let our authors see us riding around in that stretch hummer you keep sending…pretty soon they’re bound to start asking questions!

  4. Thanks for the vote of confidence!

    It’s not people like you we’re worried about because we know that YOU know that it’s all hard work and dirty elbow grease that keeps this company going, not mounds of indiscriminate cash floating about.

  5. Re: In the Doghouse

    The problem with this world is that people have to work for a living and that work is usually uninteresting. But until RDSP can pay people we expect to have to do the work ourselves so we’re always grateful for even a little bit of help. A lot of times people want to help out but their schedule doesn’t allow for it.

  6. Re: The blimp is great…

    Oh…the stretch hummer…I guess it was a bit much. Sorry about that. I suppose I could just go back to sending the blood covered limo…people didn’t seem to question it as much. The blim, banners, and subliminal messages will remain. 🙂

  7. Anonymous

    Re: Thanks for the vote of confidence!

    By the way, I put all those errors in there. Mea culpa. 🙂


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