It’s pretty cool that three of the contributors from SICK are on the final ballot for the Stoker this year. Of course it would be even more cool to publish a book that was nominated for the Stoker but we’ll take whatever we can get!
We bought an ad in the program to congratulate Michael Arnzen, Mark McLaughlin and Jeffrey Thomas on making it to the final ballot and also give a not so subtle hint that they are all in SICK and we’re publishing books by both Arnzen and Thomas this year. “Hey, these guys are good, buy a book dammit!”
Our catalog will also be in the goody bag given out to attendees but we’d really like to be there in person as well. After our travels to WHC I don’t know if another trip is in the budget though. The main expense is the room so if we could find someone to share at least John, and maybe even I, could go. We’ve asked around with a few people but so far no luck.
current mood: restless
current music: The Lost Highway Soundtrack