Life with a baby is different.
You’d think I could have posted at least once since I start maternity leave. Now that I’m back to work I can actually get 20 minutes of uninterrupted time on the computer. Ripley is doing great though.
A lot has been happening with RDSP even though we’ve been much more quiet than usual. I was also unable to update the website so John finally did it the other day. There are lots of great author events coming up. Here are a few:
-Mike Arnzen will be signing Play Deadat the Barnes & Noble in Monroeville Mall, Monroeville, PA, tomorrow at 7pm.
-Matt Warner will be at MonsterFest in Chesapeake, VA, Oct 8, 9 am-5 pm
-D. Harlan Wilson will be promoting Pseudo-City at Code Name V Bookshop, Bad Axe, MI, Nov 5, 11 am-2:30 pm
I’ve never been so sleep deprived in all my life. The other day I sent a check to an artist and forgot to seal it! Suprisingly it arrived OK. The royalty statements (and checks) need to go out soon…I hope I remember to seal those!