Yesterday we met up with Jon S., the business half of Z. Malice, to pick up another batch of special editions. We had a great lunch chatting with Jon and Nadine about future projects and how Z. Malice got started. It’s always fun meeting people instead of doing everything through email.
The special editions have been giving me a bit of a headache as of late though. Everybody wants their copies. At first I was going to hold the copies until they were all completed but I worried about have the copies sitting around. You never know what can happen and Z. Malice recently had that flooding which destroyed some of their stock (not any of our books but it made me nervouse about holding on to them). I figured it would be good to send out at least some of them in August, which was our target date for completion. But a copy wound up on Ebay and now people want to know where their copies are. I think we’ll have them mostly done by the end of October. Hopefully people will be patient. These things really are individual and you just can’t rush handmade stuff.
current mood: frustrated