OK, are you tired of hearing about cons yet? Well this wasn’t really a con but a book signing we went to on Saturday in Northern Virginia arranged by Matt Warner. We got there late but it looked like a very successful event including authors Brian Keene, F. Paul Wilson, Douglas Winter, L. Marie Wood, Mary San Giovanni, A.B. Wallace, Elizabeth Massie and J.F. Gonzalez. Check out the pics at Deena Warner’s site.
After the signing everyone was invited back to Matt and Deena’s place. We got to talk to Norman Prentiss and compare notes on WHC. Plus we had a lot of catching up to do with Brian Keene since he wasn’t at WHC. We met Jacob Haddon President of the Mid-Atlantic Horror Professionalsand Toni (A.B.) Wallace as well as several others. Matt and Deena are great hosts and we really had a good time.
current mood: amused