Hey, they extended that promotion through April. If I had known I wouldn’t have had to work my poor little fingers down to nubs to meet today’s deadline. But heck, nubs are in these days.

Since I have most of those titles done and am not under a crazy deadline I was able to finally give the site a much-needed update. I added stuff about Terror-Dot-Gov, Bare Bone #7, and Last Burn in Hell. I also put up a schedule for RDSP events at WHC. Here it is:

THURSDAY (RDSP table in the dealer’s room 2:00pm – 6:00pm)

FRIDAY (dealer’s room 10:00pm – 7:00pm)
11am–12pm: Panel – Current State of Genre Poetry w/ Mike Arnzen
4pm–6:30pm: Play Dead Celebrity Poker Tournament sponsored by RDSP
5pm–5:30pm: Reading, John Edward Lawson
10pm: Small Press Freak Show party with RDSP, Two Backed Books and Eraserhead Press

SATURDAY (dealer’s room 10:00pm – 7:00pm)
11am–12pm: Panel – African American Issues in Horror Fiction w/ John Edward Lawson
12pm–12:30pm: Reading, Michael Arnzen
2pm–3pm: Panel – Building a Fan Base w/ John Edward Lawson
4pm–5pm: Panel – Starting a Small Press w/ John Edward Lawson & Michael Amorel
9pm–10:30pm: Open Mic Poetry Jam hosted by Linda Addison w/ John Edward Lawson

SUNDAY (dealer’s room 10:00pm – 3:00pm)
11:30am–12pm: Reading, D. Harlan W

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