Steel Magic Cover Reveal

Title: Steel Magic Series: Steel Empires Book 2 Author: J.L. Gribble Genre: Urban Fantasy/Alternate History Release Date: July 6, 2016 Pre-order Link: Synopsis: Funerals are usually the end of the story, not the beginning. Newly graduated warrior-mages Toria Connor and Kane Nalamas find themselves the last remaining mages in the city when a mage […]

Cover Reveal: Andy Deane’s All the Darkness in the World

  The Darkness Revealed Daniele Serra’s magnificent representation of the evil smoldering in the darkness of a small town is the perfect match for Andy Deane’s slow burning vampire apocalypse. Coming October 24th • pre-order now All the Darkness in the World will debut at DogCon (free and open to the public) in Philadelphia on […]

The Underside of the Rainbow Cover Reveal

Unveiling the Rainbow Artist Steven Archer has created a raw, textured cover to match B.E. Burkhead’s gritty, and unapologetic realism. In this poetry collection Burkhead shows readers what happens when they take off their rose-colored glasses and look at the world around them. Instead of fields of freshly grown flowers, he writes of alleys with […]